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Plant a Tree

Bodhi Tree Yoga Resort has made a conscious effort to design and develop the resorts location to preserve the gorgeous local trees around the surrounding area.  Owner of Bodhi Tree Yoga Resort, Gary Edwards, has always had a love of trees.  At his business in Canada, a large scale land and development company, he estimates through out the years having planted over 40,000 trees by hand!  The dedication and love of planting, creating and preserving one of nature’s finest treasures is full in his heart and in his work.

Bodhi Tree proudly supports the Costas Verdes Organization and its efforts to bring back the trees to the coastline that we enjoy so much.

Costas Verdes is a non profit organization dedicated to coastal restoration. Their goal is to reforest degraded beaches in Costa Rica through community involvement. They strive to empower local schools, businesses, and authorities so they can lead the process. The result is a positive impact in the ecological, social, and economical situation of the area.

Their vision is to be the organization with the highest level of professionalism that leads the restoration of coastal ecosystems of Costa Rica, contributing in the improvement of social and economic conditions of the communities.

Bodhi Tree Yoga Resort is proud to be a Gold Level Sponsor of the Costas Verdes Organization. Through this sponsorship the project manager of BarriGuiones, Gerardo Bolaños Céspedes, stopped by with a Ceibo Barrigón (Pseudobombax septenatum) tree to plant right at our main entrance!


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