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Bodhi Village: Nartana & Hanuman


Our magnificent resort expanded! Former Nosara Yoga Institute has been transformed into Bodhi Village!

Walking through the jungle paths here, you can find our newly renovated shalas: Nartana and Hanuman.


Nartana means “dancing” from sanskrit. This beautiful studio has a wall of mirrors for dance classes, barre for ballet, and hammocks for aerial yoga. We also host high energy Cardio Pump classes here.


Hanuman is an incarnation of Shiva who embodies strength, perseverance, devotion and loyalty. Here we offer fun classes like TRX, Functional movement and body rolling therapeutics. Equipment includes mats, TRX, pull up bars, boxing gloves and bags, medicine balls and kettle bells.


Set your inner child free- enjoy dancing and playing in the jungle of Bodhi Village!

It is only the start! Stay tuned for updates!

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