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New Years Surf & Yoga Camp

Planning a special trip or an event to attend for the end of the year can be an exciting time.  As we start to daydream of getting away from colder winter weather, traveling with family or friends during one of the most traditionally celebrated holidays of the year… New Year’s Eve- it’s a time to go big.  Put on the sparkle, wear that red dress and celebrate!

It’s also a time to reflect the year past and get inspired for the year ahead.  To set intentions or resolutions, the chance to ‘begin again’ with a renewed sense of vigor.  The time to start checking in with the “bucket list” and take chances.  As we now enter into the second half of 2015, here at Bodhi Tree Yoga Resort we are planning such a special occasion.  Our first annual New Year’s Surf and Yoga Camp has been created and is now open for registration.  It will be a week to remember!

Everything has been carefully planned out to create an awesome week experience… from the surfing lessons, yoga practices, massage therapy, amazing meals and tickets to the BEST New Years Eve Party around, we think it will rock your socks off.

We can share that the acclaimed Desert Dwellers will be playing at the NYE party along with Costa Rica’s famous Santos & Zurdos- a band that will truly keep you dancing all night long.

It’s time to mark the calendars and book your flights.  We are planning a week for you to celebrate 2015 in a way that will leave you with amazing memories of a lifetime.

If not now, when?

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