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December 21, 2019 - January 4, 2020

Yoga Clinic For Posture

Event Details

Event Name: Yoga Clinic For Posture

Event Date: December 21, 2019 - January 4, 2020

Time: 9:00 am - 3:00 pm


1st workshop: Yoga for posture – Lower Body

The legs are the key structure to hold the pelvis and hips stable. Only when the hip is supported from underneath the upper body can expand with the breath and movements.
In this workshop we will take our hips through series os asanas to set the legs and hips ready to support the upper body.

2nd workshop: Yoga for posture – Upper Body

Building on the stability of the hips in this workshop we’ll look at the relation between the pelvis and the ribcage. Support for the shoulders will come from the alignment and the expansion of the torso through asanas and pranayama.

3rd workshop: Yoga for posture – Spine

We’ll connect the hips to the shoulders through the spine. Forward and backward bends, twists and side bends will dominate the asana practice in this workshop. Figuring out how to keep your spine straight will be the focus point in this workshop.

Get a personal BodyReading/postural analysis and a touch cue driven yoga practice! Working on
your asanas with body awareness will improve your posture. Basic yoga anatomy and its relation
to asanas will be introduced.

Taught By: Attila Pegan & Kriszti Mogyorosy
Dates: December 21, December 28 & January 4
Cost: $60+Tax
Location: Please visit front desk