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June 27, 2020 - July 11, 2020

Awakened Life School of Yoga Active & Slow Flow 200HR Yoga Teacher Training

Led By: Liz Carey and Joe Miller
Event Details

Event Name: Awakened Life School of Yoga Active & Slow Flow 200HR Yoga Teacher Training

Event Date: June 27, 2020 - July 11, 2020

Led By: Liz Carey and Joe Miller

More Retreat Info: https://awakenedlifeschoolofyoga.com/200-hour-yoga-teacher-training/costa-rica-200hr-july-2020/

If not NOW, then when? Wonderful and unpredictable life changes are in store when you free yourself from putting off your life and live your highest potential.

Thriving on your life’s purpose, vital and alive is about letting your heart and body lead the way.  And, that is Yoga Life at Awakened Life!

Hear from the Hearts of Our Students:

This experience was more than just learning to teach. We are truly “awakened”. I came here hoping to learn something about myself and I have learned a lot of things about myself I didn’t know before.  Brittney

No matter who you are or where you’re from, your background or hesitations, this YTT is for you! You have to start right now, where you are, and get ready for your heart to grow! This YTT is magical and transformative! It has taught me the tools to be a strong, fearless, and confident teacher and woman. Camille

Choose Awakened Life, you will not regret it! Awakened Life was a true immersion right from day one. Not only was the entire course beautiful planned out but the balance between personal development and yoga training was something rarely experienced.  Travis

Read so many more here: https://awakenedlifeschoolofyoga.com/student-reviews/

So, what do you need to know?

Fact: There are hundreds of yoga teacher trainings out there.  We get it!

Challenge: Narrowing the choice down to a manageable size…and then picking just one.

You’re probably asking, “How is that even possible? How can I know which one is the best for me?”

Ask yourself a few key questions:

  1. Do you want to learn to instruct and leave your training full of confidence and technical expertise?
  2. Do you want to learn from one dominant voice, or learn from a rich faculty of experts who teach you from a cooperative space?
  3. Do you want to have multiple teaching tools in your toolbox?
  4. Do you want to up-level yourself and have potent shifts in your life so you can live fuller, bigger and to your highest potential?

If your answer is yes to most of these then, please read on!

Our Commitment to You: At Awakened Life we are committed to your learning process so you leave feeling full of vital energy and confidence to teach from an authentic, natural way of being.  Along with technical knowledge to build energizing, uplifting and heart-warming sequences. You won’t leave wondering if you can really teach!

Masterful Personalized Instruction: With us, you’ll learn from 3 to 5 experts who have been trained by a long lineage of Masters including Pattabhi Jois, BKS Iyengar, Dharma Mittra, Shiva Rae, Seane Corn and Cyndi Lee.

If these names don’t ring a bell for you, don’t worry, just know they are best teachers out there right now and our Teachers are their students.  You are learning from a lineage of mastery.

What you’ll learn exactly:  You will learn to teach active alignment-based vinyasa, slow flow vinyasa, restorative yoga, pranayama, yoga nidra, and basic meditation. Your toolbox will be full and bursting with what you can offer to the world.

Your Transformation: And best of all, we emphasize the practical application of yoga principles and philosophy in your life.  It’s not theory for us, it’s all about application.

What does this mean? It means Yoga can free you from old habits and beliefs that no longer serve your best interests. It can free you from isolation, loneliness, anxiety and fear. It can free you from being and playing small.

Yoga teacher training at Awakened Life is an opportunity to know yourself in a completely different way. Know and understand who you really are and deeply connect with THAT person and others around you.

You won’t be short-changed:  Our program is developed through expert curriculum development, and time-tested (10 years) learning approaches that will have you engaged, curious, while learning everything experientially.  This means “hands-on” and active learning in an appropriate length of time to give you everything you need.

What you get:  Your TT Package includes your program, your selected room, and most meals.  We don’t include dinner because we want you to enjoy Costa Rica and you have most evenings free!

You can enjoy the local cuisine, shop, rest and study.  We don’t want to jam-pack your experience and create so much stress that you miss the beauty and joy of where you are in the world.

That’s why we keep our program at 15 days and nothing shorter than that.

You get it all, while nourishing yourself with where you are.

Back to the question: How do you pick the best teacher training for you?

It’s easy when you listen to your heart. You listen to your intuition. Your body knows the right answer.  Remember this isn’t a logical choice, this an inner guided decision.  The right answer is already within you…

Our Packages are almost All-Inclusive and start at $3,495 USD.

We can’t wait to meet you????.

Teacher’s Bio

See what our students have to say!


Awakened Life School of Yoga is a modern school with a full faculty of master teachers with expertise in a wide variety of disciplines and styles.  We focus on helping people live happier, fuller lives.  Whether you want to be a yoga teacher or just want to deepen your practice, you’ll love practicing in a loving, non-judgmental, and encouraging environment.  

Training Leaders
Liz Carey

Leadership Consultant, Yoga Nidra Educator E-RYT 500

Liz brings encouragement and acceptance to all her work, and has a gift for helping people reconnect with and trust their own wisdom and intuition.

Liz has practiced yoga for seventeen years and became a certified yoga teacher in 2009. When not training yoga teachers, she designs and facilitates innovative training programs that help people develop awareness, authenticity, presence, and practical skills for deeply connecting with others leading to a freer and happier life.

Liz’s experience as a participant in yoga teacher training inspired her to create a teacher training program that leads participants on an especially rich learning journey by incorporating cutting-edge personal transformation coursework and a full faculty of expert teachers. She also has a deep passion for the restorative and inquiring practice of Yoga Nidra and is a Yoga Nidra Educator in the field.

Liz studied Buddhism and meditation and received a Master’s degree in Counseling. She also worked for over ten years with her mentor, a wise and kind 82-year old master psychoanalyst, who helped her understand the workings of the mind and interpersonal relations. She completed a number of self-awareness. leadership and personal transformation adventures, including a six-week program that used horses as the primary teachers. You can see the work Liz does with businesses at www.The-Real-Work.com.

In her free time, Liz loves swimming with her dog Dot at the beach, ballroom dancing and enjoying time with her good friend and husband, Chris.

Joe Miller

Certified Feldenkrais Practitioner, E-RYT 500

A yoga teacher in New York City and trained personally by Pattabhi Jois, Joe has taught teacher trainings as well as anatomy and physiology for yoga teachers around the U.S. and internationally for more than 10 years. He completed his yoga teacher training at New York’s OM Yoga Center in 2000 and taught there for 15 years. A lifelong interest in biology and anatomy led Joe to study with anatomy teachers such as Leslie Kaminoff, Amy Matthews, Tom Myers and Gil Hedley, and eventually to a Master’s degree in applied physiology from Columbia University. In addition, he is a certified Feldenkrais practitioner and has studied Sanskrit with Swami Prabuddhananda Saraswati.

In his spare time, Joe writes extensively about yoga, anatomy, physiology and health for several websites and print publications including Yoga Journal.

Training and Influences:
M.S. Physiology, Pattabhi Jois, Dharma Mittra, Leslie Kaminoff, Amy Matthews, and Gil Hedley