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August 17, 2024 - August 24, 2024

Costa Rica Retreat with Michelle & Andrea

Led By: Michelle Teramatsu and Andrea Jensen 
Event Details

Event Name: Costa Rica Retreat with Michelle & Andrea

Event Date: August 17, 2024 - August 24, 2024

Led By: Michelle Teramatsu and Andrea Jensen 

More Retreat Info: https://www.andreajensenyoga.com/costaricaretreat

An all-levels yoga retreat to help you reconnect with body, breath, nature, and community. Give yourself the gift of slowing down and taking the space you need to experience the beauty of Costa Rica.



Pricing and details

$2780 for a Single Queen Room, $3480 for a Single King Room, $4200 for a Double with 2 Queen Beds (rooms/beds can be shared, please contact for pricing)



Retreat Leaders
Michelle Teramatsu

Michelle Teramatsu, a Los Angeles native, has cultivated a lifelong commitment to yoga, starting from her childhood. Rooted in her passion for the mind-body connection, Michelle is dedicated to providing a nurturing space for students to authentically immerse themselves in their yoga journey. Michelle loves to integrate music, mantras, and various therapeutic and somatic practices, to foster a comprehensive and holistic experience on the mat. Michelle’s philosophy revolves around the idea that a person’s well-being is intricately linked to their ability to contribute and share their unique gifts with the world.

Andrea Jensen 

Andrea Jensen was born and raised in California. From the very first time she practiced yoga, she felt movement that helped her manage stress. Yoga showed her that she didn’t always have to be “perfect”. It’s not about how good you are at the asanas or how strong your body is. It’s about letting go of thought and linking body, breath, and movement. During your practice, you leave your entire world at the door and step onto your mat with a clean slate. She completed a 320-hour Ashtanga-based training program in 2012 in Goa, India and has never looked back. Since then she has completed additional trainings in asana study, restorative yoga, yoga sculpt, and Thai massage. comprehensive and holistic experience on the mat.