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January 27, 2018 - January 27, 2018

Flow, Restore, Create

Event Details

Event Name: Flow, Restore, Create

Event Date: January 27, 2018 - January 27, 2018

Nourishing Flow Yoga. Empowering journaling prompts. Restorative Yoga with healing touch – all accompanied by LIVE music!

Workshop Features

Sat Jan 27th
Flow, Restore, Create
10.30 – 1pm 
COST $40 for drop-ins $30 for locals

Flow. Restore. Createis a magical workshop designed to leave you feeling deeply nourished, relaxed, present and connected. 

It’s exactly what you’ve been looking for if you want to tune inward, let go and to receive. 

Guided by the heart-led and intuitive Catherine Cowan, this beautiful and soulful experience begins with nourishing flow yoga, followed by a delicious restorative practice with Catherine’s healing Reiki touch. 

Yali McGregor and Patrick Cooke join Catherine to make Flow. Restore. Create. even more special.  

The beautiful and gifted Yali will be enriching your healing experience during the restorative portion of the class by sharing the beautiful healing touch of Pranassage. Patrick will share his musical genius with one-of-a-kind, intuitive LIVE musical accompaniment.

Throughout the workshop Catherine will invite you to connect inward through the invitation to journal your answers to powerful questions and create empowering intentions.

It’s a healing experience, enriched by the caring connection of this team, who want Flow. Restore. Create. to be both deeply nourishing, and at the same time, profoundly healing and empowering.

Come join us for this incredible nourishing afternoon – it’s time for YOU!

pre-register: [email protected]
more info: bodhitreeyogaresort.com/workshops