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May 20, 2023 - May 27, 2023


Led By: Paula Suryaflow
Event Details

Event Name: FOGA

Event Date: May 20, 2023 - May 27, 2023

Led By: Paula Suryaflow

More Retreat Info: https://www.paulasuryaflow.com/

    • Fit & Yoga The Best of Two WorldsFoga teaches me every day the way I make love to myself. It guides me to a place where I can wake up my senses to see me more, to hear me more, to touch me more, and enjoy myself more, without expectations.
  • Pricing and details

Retreat Leaders
Paula Suryaflow

Paula suryaflow, go with the flow.I was born in chile a country of mountains and sea. Since I was a child a feel the need to find a deep meaning of life . I start this round 20 years ago learning reiki I got the certification of level 1 and 2 , however life open the path of yoga and meditation in 1998 to deliver it has a tool for healing and self-knowledge. Certificated teacher yoga alliance 2010 , Jyotim Italy 2005. In 2013 I took my vows in the path of zen . Creator of surya college 2008 latin school comunity of yoga and meditation with hundreds of student that has study with us . Creator of suryaflow method . This path has give me the present of shareing the practice in many countries .