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November 4, 2017 - November 9, 2017

Love This Life – A Yoga + Meditation Retreat

Event Details

Event Name: Love This Life – A Yoga + Meditation Retreat

Event Date: November 4, 2017 - November 9, 2017

Come back home to yourself through all-levels yoga and meditation practices.

Retreat Features

Hello Lovely Yogi Friends! I am really excited to announce Love This Life – a yoga and meditation retreat in Nosara, Costa Rica November 4-9, 2017! If we haven’t met, please see my bio at www.laurenyoga.net.

Bodhi Tree Yoga Resort has wonderful rooms all with AC and wi-fi, three gorgeous yoga studios stocked with all Manduka props, a spa, pool, gym, a juice bar and boutique, and close proximity to some of the best and cleanest beaches in the world. Nosara is a chic small yoga and beach town. 

Included in your rate:
Five nights lodging
3 meals per day – DELISH food
All yoga + meditation classes
Other little surprises 🙂 

Airport transfers + flight

Room types and rates:
ONE ROOM LEFT – Five Single King rooms with private bath and balcony – $2400
Five Single Queen rooms with private bath and balcony – $2400
Two Single rooms with shared bath – $1650 per person (shared bath is attached to the building the room is in, just shared with another room)
Double room with shared bath – $1500 per person (shared bath is attached to the building the room is in, just shared with another room)
Triple room with shared bath – $1300 per person (shared bath is attached to the building the room is in, just shared with another room)

To reserve your room, 50% deposit is due now, and the balance is due August 1. If you need a different payment plan, please email me privately and we will work something out. I am happy to accommodate this. If possible, check is preferred, please email me for mailing address. PayPal is fine too.

The closest airport is Liberia and is about 2.5 hours away. Transportation can be arranged though the hotel or car rental agencies are numerous and easy.
If arranged through the hotel, rates are:
$150 one way for up to 4 people
$40 per person if the van has 5 or more people. 

Some of you have been with me on several retreats, and for others this will be your first! It is impossible to truly describe the magic of the retreat as each one is unique from the others. The dynamic of the group combined with the chance to have alone time away from the hustle and bustle of daily life is truly one of the most rejuvenating experiences. We journal, meditate, practice yoga, enjoy delicious food, nap (!!!), read, explore, hike, spa…truly, the times is YOURS to do what you please. I find that when I attend retreats as a student I fill up in ways that feel so elusive when I am on my home turf. I come home refreshed and cleansed from the inside out and spiritually fueled to be my best to the people who count on me. 

The retreat will begin with an afternoon practice on November 4 then dinner, and we will close with a morning practice on November 9, eat breakfast and then depart. Please try to book travel so you’re there for the opening and closing practices as they can often be the most important. Our very tentative schedule will be two yoga classes per day, with daily meditation and journaling included in the classes. Each class is about two hours long, give or take 30 mins, and will be of varying styles and physical difficulty levels. Those of you have come to my retreats in the past know that every single BODY can do this. Other activities will be planned and available but more to come on that. 

I hope you ponder this for yourself, and I will be the first one to tell that yes, you DO deserve to do this for yourself!

Contact me at [email protected] for questions and registration.