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November 21, 2019

Sacred Cacao Ceremony: Aligning with our Highest Good

Led By: Elizabeth Amara Rose
Event Details

Event Name: Sacred Cacao Ceremony: Aligning with our Highest Good

Event Date: November 21, 2019

Time: 6:30 pm

Led By: Elizabeth Amara Rose

More Retreat Info: https://www.sageandsaints.com/

Using plant medicine and the energy of the new moon, we will open our heart space, connecting with ourselves, others, and spirit through sound, breathwork, Reiki, and guided meditation; allowing us to achieve altered states of consciousness and deep emotional release. Employing shamanic journey and guided meditation, we hope to cleanse ourselves, as well as, gather hidden information which will help put us in line with the path of our higher selves.  Using the power of the new moon we will release that which no longer serves us and set new intentions, which we will continue to work towards over the next lunar cycle.
Cost: $20+tax Drop In
Location: Please check at front desk

Workshop Leaders
Elizabeth Amara Rose