Falling in Love with Your Sexuality.
Dedicate this time to your heart energy source and vibrant vagina. The retreat will heal roadblocks towards orgasm and self-love, cultivate juicy age deifying feminine energy, and goes beyond the physical aspects of “sex” and reaches the core. Energy work, techniques, and philosophy will be delivered through a process of gentle opening, experience, and action. Come discover your true self and pleasure. Plenty of time to enjoy yoga, surf, body movement, clean food, reflection, rest, and the beauty of Costa Rica. THIS IS A WOMEN’S ONLY RETREAT.
Natrishka Parther is a Tao feminine arts students receiving her certification with Minke De Vos, October 2015. She has worked with women as an erotic dance instructor, personal trainer, group fitness/aerobic instructor, Reiki/Massage healing arts practitioner, and conscious sex guide for 12 years.
Koko Niwa is a Yoga/Meditation instructor, Permaculture teacher, and a writer. With her dynamic and positive outlook of life, she has created many powerful projects such as xChange, a fashion swap movement growing strong in Japan, a highlighted example of creative social change.
Pricing: $2200 (early birds until end of March $1800) Local rate $1290 (sliding scale from $800)
Watch our video to learn more.