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June 4, 2022 - June 11, 2022


Led By: Kevin Wathey and Debbie Popiel
Event Details

Event Name: SYNCHRONICITY in Costa Rica

Event Date: June 4, 2022 - June 11, 2022

Led By: Kevin Wathey and Debbie Popiel

More Retreat Info: https://retreats.sygroupintl.com/nosara-costa-rica

A luxurious 8-day, 7-night retreat to the warm and sandy beaches of Nosara, Costa Rica. Nestled in one of the world’s 5 Blue Zones you will get to experience life in a completely new and unique way.

This retreat was created specifically for individuals looking to deepen their connection with themselves, with nature, and with a holistic community… while of course catching some of the best waves Costa Rica has to offer!



Event Leaders
Kevin Wathey

Kevin Wathey is the founder of Synchronicity, an international retreat leader, consultant, entrepreneur, and sought after business coach for health and wellness professionals.

Synchronicity is a company with intention, and a mission to empower others to achieve their true potential through their trainings, retreats, and events that span the globe.

Having worked for a Fortune 500 hospitality company prior to founding Synchronicity, his retreats attract a diverse crowd and he ensures the programming and excursions are created so as to be inclusive for all participants.

It is his unwavering goal to help facilitate positive transformation in all of his students and clients lives so they can return refreshed and able to do the same for others.

Debbie Popiel

Debbie Popiel is a living example of the life-changing impact of a regular yoga & meditation practice. A single mom trying to make ends meet, Debbie found yoga in 2001.

Yoga transformed her ability to handle the stresses of daily life and become more present with her family and friends. Her daily experience is now based in peace and mindfulness.

She has a keen awareness of how to hold the energy of a room and help students feel safe. Every student in her class feels as though they are the most important person in the room while remaining authentic to the practice.

Debbie is passionate about sharing the transformational gifts of yoga & meditation with her students. Students will leave her class feeling inspired, calm, and empowered.