The power of a name! We are proud to announce our Yoga Shala’s now have names for each space carries its own unique energy and vibe. We have been witness to all that takes place here at Bodhi Tree as our yoga shala’s have been designed, built, and experienced by travelers near and far. The barefoot steps crossing every physical space, yoga classes, dance and retreats, sweat, tears and laughter all abound- we were able to acknowledge every space for the personality each individual shala holds.
Our community yoga shala set in the jungle- open air to view the trees and long bamboo is now the KULA SHALA. Kula is a Sanskrit word meaning simply community! Our Nosara community is reaching out into the world community- this space brings us all together as one. Holding space for 24 guests be sure to come to one or all of the different types of yoga classes we offer three to four classes daily, seven days a week.
Our open-air shala that views the ocean is now called AKASHA SHALA. Akasha is a Sanskrit word meaning expansiveness or space. As you feel the breeze on your skin and hear the sounds of the jungle surrounding you this studio is the perfect place to expand. Holding space for 48 guests this space has an amazing breeze both during the heat of the day as well carries soothing sounds for evening classes. Akasha is mainly reserved by weekly retreat leaders.
Our largest shala on the property is enclosed with A/C nestled on the property neighboring Akasha. This space is now the SHAKTI SHALA. Shakti is a Sanskrit word meaning divine energy, power or empowerment. Holding space for 75 guests, it is perfect for privacy and more energetic happenings.
It is very exciting to think of all of the experiences to come in each of our yoga shala’s. We hope to see you at Kula, Akasha or Shakti soon!