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There is a movement happening in our little beach town. Trending with the eco-tourism of Costa Rica we think this is an incredibly important one.  Bodhi Tree Yoga Resort is a plastic free facility!  You won’t find any plastic bottles of water for purchase.  Instead we have glass bottles with a cool protective coozie to fill up and re use. They are available for sale in our Bodhi Boutique.

To have a safe container near our 25-meter saltwater pool we have found cups that are made from starch.  Juice bar to go cups are recyclable paper and our straws for smoothies are made from bamboo!

But what if you are out about in town?  Bring your Bodhi Bottle with you or we recommend buying these glass bottles- and support the #NoPlasticNosara movement! Refillable, reusable is the way to go.

Support businesses that are also going Plastic Free!

San Francisco, California has taken a big lead in this movement banning the sale of plastic bottles citywide.

Check out this great link on 16 ways to reduce your plastic use:

Do your part!  Join the #NoPlasticNosara movement.

We are very proud to be a plastic free facility. Along with our community we have taken an aggressive stand on keeping our environment clean and healthy. We encourage every guest to join us in doing our part in Keeping Costa Rica Plastic Free. Through education and consistent effort we are working to make Bodhi Tree a consciously green resort. Pura Vida

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